
  • Magdalena CRIȘAN "Carol I" National Defence University


Criza migraţiei din 2015 a fost insoţită de un val de dezinformare şi ştiri false legate de migranţi, menite să influenţeze percepţia publică asupra fenomenului, şi care serveşte interesului geopolitic al Rusiei: o Uniune Europeană şi societăţi europene scindate cu lideri a căror legitimitate este pusă sub semnul întrebării.

Author Biography

Magdalena CRIȘAN, "Carol I" National Defence University


Born on July 14th 1981, in Bucharest, Magdalena Crişan graduate of the Bucharest University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, series of graduates 2003.


She holds the title of Master of Arts in German Cultural Studies, attained in 2005 - University of Bucharest. At present, she is PhD student in Military Studies, Carol I National Defence University.

As a journalist she worked for several newspapers and news Tv channels.


          Scientific papers:


„STRATEGIES XXI" International Scientific Conference April 2019

Europe and the Military Component in Combating Illegal Migration


„STRATEGIES XXI" International Scientific Conference November 2018

Developments and Change in Asylum and Migration Policies in Europe


„STRATEGIES XXI" International Scientific Conference December 2017

Migration and the (In)security of Contemporary Society


Impact Strategic Nr. 1/2/2018

            Migrația internațională ca rezultat al șocului geopolitic generat de Primăvara Arabă         




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