
  • Sorina Mihaela MARDAR Universitatea Nationala de Aparare "Carol I"


Natura mereu schimbătoare a mediului de afaceri şi a forţei de muncă a determinat organizaţiile să recunoască rolul tot mai important al formării profesionale continue şi al dezvoltării. Multe companii recunosc că viabilitatea lor pe termen lung şi capacitatea productivă se bazează pe calitatea resurselor umane angajate. Astfel, formarea profesională este văzută ca un element nodal nu doar pentru îmbunătăţirea eficacităţii individuale, ci şi pentru accentuarea eficienţei organizaţionale prin îndeplinirea unor diverse nevoi atât ale individului, cât şi ale organizaţiei.


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Chao G.T., Walz P.M., Gardner P.D. Formal and informal mentorships: a comparison on mentoring functions and contrast with non-mentored counterparts, Personnel Psychology, 1992, p. 45.

Eitington E. Julius, The Winning Trainer, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 1996.

Hardingham Alison, Designing training, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development House, London, 2003.

Hardingham Alison, Brearley Mike, Moorhouse Adrian, Venter Brendan, Coaching pentru un coach, Editura CODECS, Bucureşti, 2007.

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Nadler L., The Variety of Training Roles, în Industrial & Commercial Training, vol. 1, nr. 1, 1969.

Ostroff C., Kozlowski S.W.J. The role of mentoring in the information-gathering processes of newcomers during early organizational socialization, Journal of Vocational Behavior, no. 42, 1993.

Proud Arthur, The new trainers toolkit, Fenman Limited, 2002.

Pigors Paul, Pigors, Faith Learning through experience in leadership training, Office Executive, October, 1955.

Schein E., Career survival: strategic job/role planning, Pfeiffer & Company, San Diego, 1995.

Woodcock C., Management discovers long-term training, The Guardian, 2 sept. 1991.

Zeus Perry, Skiffington Suzanne, The coaching at work toolkit. A complete guide to techniques and practices, McGraw-Hill, Australia Pty Ltd., 2002.

Management Development Casebook, Training Guide TG 5-16, Office of Personnel, Veterans Administration, Washington D.C., 1958.

The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of human resource management, Malden, MA: Blackwell




