Information For Authors

Peer review process
The scientific evaluation of the articles proposed for publication in Strategic Impact is developed according to the principle double blind peer review, in two stages: pre-evaluation and evaluation.
The pre-evaluation process consists in the verification by the editorial staff of the following aspects:
• Whether or not the theme of the article is in line with the subjects dealt by the jounal;
• Whether or not it complies with the standards of a scientific article (structure, methodology and research hypothesis, relevant bibliography);
• If it is suspected of plagiarism (following the interpretation of the similarity report);
• Whether it complies with the editorial standards adopted by the journal.
In case the paper does not comply with the thematic area of the journal, does not meet the standards of a scientific article or presents evidence of plagiarism, it is rejected. In case all of the requirements are met, the article is forwarded to an evaluator with expertise in the field of the paper.
The evaluation process is developed electronically, according to the principle double blind peer review, meaning that the author's identity is not known by the evaluator(s) and the name of the evaluator(s) is not made known to the author.
According to the Guide for evaluators, they keep a close watch on the following: quality of the scientific content, structure, originality of the paper and its conclusions; article's length from the perspective of the ideas approached and their argumentation; scientific language; relevance of article's theme for the international scientific community; adequacy of title, abstract and keywords for the article's content; utility of tables and figures; a relevant bibliography comprising recent and prestigious specialized works.
The evaluators can make corrections or comments on the text with the aim of increasing scientific quality of the article (for example, they may require: conceptual articulation, re-phrasings or additions, data or arguments in support of the analysis). The evaluator will also complete a form, which sets out a number of conclusions and general comments, as well as the underlying arguments.
Consequently to the evaluation, there are three possibilities:
a) the article is accepted for publication as such or with minor changes;
b) the article may be published if the author makes recommended improvements;
c) the article is rejected.
The editorial office receives the article evaluated electronically, together with the evaluation form and passes on the conclusions and remarks of the evaluation to the author.
In case the article is accepted for publication, provided the author makes the recommended changes, the editorial office shall provide the author a deadline for submitting the amended article. This stage involves sending the paper reviewed by the author to the same evaluator, in order to obtain his/her approval regarding the content.    
The editorial staff deals with linguistic revision and editing of the article, in order to be published.

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines

Articles shall be sent to mail address.