multilateralism; institutions; challenges; transformation; structural, functional, strategic goals.Abstract
Starting from the definition of multilateralism, based on its main characteristics – peaceful resolution of conflicts, sovereign states equality under international law, inclusion and active participation of all stakeholders, the present paper examines the current perception of the foundations of global cooperation stability. Thus, considering the high level of interconnectedness as well as the complexity of the crises our world is currently facing, some of the challenges to the multilateral system are presented, focusing on the UN, an inclusive multilateral institution, and the EU, a regional one. Romania’s position in this context is also mentioned. In connection to the Western-based democratic values and liberal societies, three possible futures are exhibited. Under the given circumstances, it has been almost unanimously agreed that reforms are necessary. However, there are still few specific details related to the substance and means of the changes, and there are too many variables to be considered in the efforts to align goals, interests and expectations, as well as to accommodate the structural, functional and strategic elements of transformation.