
  • Daniel DUMITRU, PhD Daniel DUMITRU, PhD, is Professor and PhD advisor in the field of Information and National Security within “Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Cristina BODONI PhD Student in the field of Information and National Security, “Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania.




hybrid threats; cyber-attacks; international humanitarian law; military operations; cybercrime; digital diplomacy.


Hybrid threats cover the whole spectrum of fake news, cyber/information warfare. They periodically impose the multimedia agenda in all known spaces to man. If for the Earth’s natural spaces, we have norms and customs respected international, the navigation in the digital space does not confer to the user the same protection given by a code of laws accepted worldwide, although we have a new set of instruments with shield role against dangers called cyber security. In order for this cyber security to be accepted by as many (non) state actors as possible, we need international norms, built by professionals with expertise and proactive thinking. The people with specific responsibilities for negotiating such rules are diplomats, in this case we have the digital diplomats. What is their purpose? What is the connection between hybrid warfare, digital diplomacy and humanitarian law? These are questions that we answer through this research. In the structure of the paper we used concepts from International Humanitarian Law (IHL) norms that can be adapted to cyber operations and hybrid threats. In the case of the use of aggressive cyber actions and cyber capabilities, the competence of current international law is the objective of the article for the emergence of the right to self-defence. Then, we look at aspects of military actions involving cyberattacks, designed on the spectrum of the cyber operation, and these cyber actions will be examined applying principles established by existing laws.


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How to Cite

DUMITRU, D. ., & BODONI, C. . (2022). EXTENSION OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW ORDER IN THE INFORMATION AREA THROUGH DIGITAL DIPLOMACY . Strategic Impact, 80(3), 86–102. https://doi.org/10.53477/1841-5784-21-18

