In order to be able to accomplish a mission, the fighter must have impeccable physical training that allows him to act in different conditions from those of daily life. For this, the fighter must constantly raise the level of physical effort capacity, through training sessions carried out systematically, continuously, consciously and scientifically. After the physical effort made in training process and missions, the fighter needs a period of recovery of the body to prepare for future physical efforts at optimal parameters and create the conditions for increasing the capacity for effort. So, it can be said without mistake that recovery is a part of the training process, with a role in creating the conditions for accumulation. Recovery must be natural, but there are often cases where physical effort leads to depletion of the energy substrate used and there is no time available to restore it naturally; then there is guided recovery that does nothing but complete the natural recovery. It is important that the fighter’s lifestyle be adequate for the activity and effort.
Keywords: physical effort; fighter; rehabilitation; guided recovery; natural recovery.
Andrei Ion, Ceascai Viorel, Efortul fizic pe înţelesul tuturor, ”Carol I” National Defence University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017.
Bota Cornelia, Ergofiziologie, Globus Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000.
Dragnea Adrian, Antrenament sportiv – Teorie și metodologie, vol. 1, National Academy of Physical Education and Sports Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993.
Ionescu A., Anton B., Dirijarea medicală a efortului, National Center for Training and Professional Development for Coaches, National School for Coaches, Bucharest, 2004.
Nicu Alexe, Antrenamentul sportiv modern, Editis Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993.
Nicu Alexe, Teoria şi metodica antrenamentului sportiv modern, România de Mâine Foundation Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002.

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