Depriving society of freedom of expression through movement has led to the emergence of situations and possibilities to carry out current activities in completely unique ways, while creating the chance to find new solutions to the need to perform at work, to resist and survive in the economic environment, to have a positive, optimal purpose in the educational act. Affected by this type of freedom, the effects of coercion have not bypassed essential areas of social life, areas whose ”end product” contributes to our existence and survival as a species. In this amalgam of changes and adjustments in all fields, the teaching activity was not bypassed by the adaptations required by the general situation, in which the transfer of information from teachers to pupils/students/learners acquires modern connotations, ”the classic” reducing, sometimes, the dominant importance it had had until recently. This material aims to express some ideas regarding the development of physical education lessons in the online environment, an environment that will captivate all the attention in the next period.
Keywords: physical education; physical effort; online; adaptation; lesson
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