The cu
The current security environment is characterized by complexity and dynamism, being influenced by multiple challenges. The proliferation and diversification of information systems in the context of the technological revolution result in different effects among which the emergence of different actors that are present in the areas of military operations, especially given the more and more complex types of threats to the contemporary security environment. The new technologies brought by the information revolution become the main means able to determine the increase of the efficiency of military actions and the achievement of the surprise in the battle space. A major concern of military structures in terms of operations, regardless their level, is achieving the information advantage / upper hand creating the creating the conditions necessary for attaining success on the battlefield, avoiding as much as possible, losses of any kind. The new approach of the information-related activity, developed through appropriate actions, is able to ensure the correct asymmetric advantage in the context of any challenge.
rrent security environment is characterized by complexity and dynamism, being influenced by multiple challenges. The proliferation and diversification of information systems in the context of the technological revolution result in different effects among which the emergence of different actors that are present in the areas of military operations, especially given the more and more complex types of threats to the contemporary security environment. The new technologies brought by the information revolution become the main means able to determine the increase of the efficiency of military actions and the achievement of the surprise in the battle space. A major concern of military structures in terms of operations, regardless their level, is achieving the information advantage / upper hand creating the creating the conditions necessary for attaining success on the battlefield, avoiding as much as possible, losses of any kind. The new approach of the information-related activity, developed through appropriate actions, is able to ensure the correct asymmetric advantage in the context of any challenge.
*** ADP 2-0 Intelligence, Department of the Army, July 2019.
*** FM 101-5-1, Termeni şi simboluri operaţionale, Statul Major al Trupelor de Uscat, SUA.
*** FM 3-13, Information Operations, Headquarters, Department of the Army, 2016.
*** Carta albă a apărării, București, 2017.
Armistead L., Information Operations: Warfare and the Hard Reality of Soft Power, Editura Brassey’s Inc., Washington DC, 2004.
Roceanu Ion, Sisteme C4I comandă și control, comunicații, computere și informații, National Defence University Publishing House, 2004.
Sun Tzu, Arta războiului, Cartex Publishing House, 2018.
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