The modalities of applying the concept of sea denial are of high complexity due to the diversity and intensity of the naval tactical actions in the combat environments on the surface of the water, under the surface of the water and aerial. If denial of certain maritime space for the enemy fails, there is the possibility that the enemy will project his force on the shore and destroy the economic and military objectives. The need to prohibit certain maritime space for the enemy arises when the control of the sea cannot be achieved or lost in that maritime space. As a rule, sea denial is intended to be carried out near its own coast in order to thwart the enemy's efforts to attempt an amphibious landing or to interrupt the maritime communications routes. Sea denial can be complementary to the control of the sea in certain areas of the ocean where the control of the sea cannot be maintained. The main factors influencing the application of the concept of sea denial are space, time, forces and means available, the technological development and the degree of instruction of the crews. In the application of the concept of sea denial in addition to the naval forces, the air forces and the ground forces play a particularly important role. The joint characteristic of the combat actions requires a concept of unitary action, most likely, prepared from the time of peace or during the crisis development.
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