Abstract: The extended nature of the actions conducted by land forces is given by the multitude and diversity of the missions, by the capabilities of the combat equipment, and not least by the legislative dimensions concerning the use of
force. Regarding the current security environment, the ratio of combining military and non-military threats has become very dynamic, so that we can state that the state of danger has become an indicator of the daily cohabitation of peace and war conditions. The hybridization of the engagement means and methods in a conflict, directly or masked under the confusion of the identity of the parties involved, cannot be classified either in the international provisions of the armed conflict or in the customs of the war. Hybrid actions against a state can be interpreted as actions with variable military geometry in the sense of combining the civilian and military parts so as to make it even more difficult to conduct countermeasures against them. In trying to identify a possible solution to the hybrid typology conflict, we have put in relation several concepts such as: event, state of security, action, effect and impact, resilience and consequence management. Depending on the degree of combination of
the terms used to explain the conflict or the hybrid actions, we may assert the need for a military response, namely for the involvement of the land forces in the events.
Keywords: threat; state of danger; hybrid conflict; risk; operational design.
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