During an operation, the logistic support necessary for the armed forces is realized according to the following functional
areas of logistics: supply, movement and transportation, maintenance, medical support, infrastructure, campaign services,
contracting, Host Nation Support and related fields.
The field of campaign services is currently the most complex area of logistical support as it covers a wide range of
services, it requires cooperation between military bodies and various institutions, entities involved in their ensuring, and it
prompts logistics planning and leadership promptness in solving immediate problems that may arise.
Andronic Benone, Mocanu Bixi-Pompiliu,Logistic support for the military actions of a mechanized brigade (original title: Sprijinul logistic al acţiunilor militare ale unei brigăzi mecanizate), Army Technic - Editorial Centre Press, Bucharest, 2008.
Zisu Mihai Adrian, The Campaign Services during Stability and Support Opertions (original title: Serviciile de campanie în operaţiile de stabilitate şi sprijin), PhD thesis, ”Carol I” National Defense University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012.
Bulletin of “Carol I” National Defense University June, 2019 39 AJP-4 (A), Allied Joint Logistic Doctrine (NATO Standard), Original, NATO Standardization
Office, 2003.
L-2- Handbook of logistics support in joint operations (original title: Manualul conducerii sprijinului logistic în operaţii întrunite), Bucharest, 2008.
Regulation of Joint Operations Logistics, Bucharest, 2008.
F.T./G. – 7.4, Engineer Instruction Handbook – the military from the engineer technical subunits (original title: Manualul instrucţiei genistului
– militarul din subunităţile tehnice de geniu), Râmnicu Vâlcea, 2008.
F.T./L – 1, Land Forces Logistics Support Manual for NATO-led operations (original title: Manualul Sprijinului logistic al Forţelor Terestre în operaţii conduse de NATO), 2nd Edition,
Bucharest, 2012.
F.T./G.-5/3, Handbook for battle of engineer groups with tasks in support of maintaining operational capacity (original title: Manualul pentru luptă al grupelor de geniu cu sarcini în
sprijinul menţinerii capacităţii operaţionale), Râmnicu Vîlcea, 2007.
Gheorghe Minculete, Benone Andronic, Logistic support for the offensive operation of the mechanized brigade (original title: Sprijinul logistic al operației
ofensive a brigăzii mecanizate), course, ”Carol I” National Defense University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010.
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