In general, the doctrine for joint multinational operations establishes the set of notions and principles of employing the Romanian armed forces in the joint multinational operations. It presents the multinational operations to which Romania can participate as part of an alliance, coalition or other agreed commitment and highlights the joint organizational formations needed to coordinate land, air, maritime and special joint security operations (defense) in a multinational environment.
It provides the necessary military guidance in the exercise of authority by commanders in the military theater of operations, directing the force-generation activity, planning, transferring authority, and executing the joint multinational operations. It is compatible with the doctrines of multinational operations of the armed forces of Western NATO member states.
In this context, the present paper aims to analyze the characteristics and physiognomy of the joint multinational operations in which forces belonging to the Romanian Army can participate in the context of alliance or coalitions, given the specificity of the current operational environment.
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