Risks, threats, and vulnerabilities related to social media platforms and search engines. Regulations and national legal frameworks


  • Dănuţ MAFTEI Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC - a governmental body)
  • Lorin Nicolae BOGDAN DUICĂ National Cyber Security Directorate, Bucharest




social media platforms, national security, democracy, malicious actors, foreign interference, false information, frauds.


Online social media platforms and search engines are used more and more by violent people, criminal offenders, cybercriminals, and other state or non-state malicious actors, who are involved in activities connected to hybrid threats and foreign interference, causing challenges for children, girls, women, citizens, societies, economies, critical services, democracy, and homeland security.
Social media platforms and search engines could do more to address these issues so as to ensure a free, open, safe, secure, and reliable internet for everybody and to maximize its positive effects. Neglecting the proliferation of illegal activities not only erodes trust in online platforms but also places at risk the security and privacy of its users. To counter efficiently all the challenges, urgent new regulatory frameworks are needed. The regulations should be applied to social media platforms, search engines, and services that allow users to post content online or to interact with each other.

Author Biographies

Dănuţ MAFTEI, Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC - a governmental body)

Dănuț MAFTEI, Ph.D., is currently working for the Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC - a governmental body) as a Senior Cyber Security Expert on Policies, Strategies and Cooperation. Meanwhile, he is an EU Expert, working with European Commission/DG NEAR as speaker for TAIEX workshops on cyber issues and digital affairs.He graduated from the Police Academy in Bucharest and has a PhD degree in Public Order and National Security.

With more than 30 years in the government administration, he has been dealing with foreign policy, diplomacy, cyber diplomacy, digital affairs, cybersecurity issues, national / international security, education and international relations.

Dănuț MAFTEI has a law enforcement background mixed with diplomatic expertise developed in post conflict countries (EUFOR/BiH and Kosovo – as Head of the Romanian Diplomatic Mission), and EU countries and institutions (Spain, Belgium/Brussels–EU Council). During the RO Presidency of the EU Council (2019), as a diplomat of the RO Permanent Representation to the EU and as the Vice-chair of the Horizontal Party on Cyber Issues / EU Council, he was dealing with diplomacy/foreign affairs, cyber diplomacy, cyber issues, digital affairs and international relations. During 2022-2024, he has been involved in cyber issues, cooperation, international relations and cyber education within DNSC, Bucharest, Romania.

He has a vast scientific activity (research), being the author or co-author of several articles and scientific papers:

  • The Cyber Competences Act - a Vital EU Regulation Concerning Mandatory Certification of Critical Network and Information Systems’ Operators across the European Union
  • Risks, threats and vulnerabilities related to EU Classified Information within CSDP missions and operations
  • The way several European countries use to achieve their strategic and security objectives by involving the national experts seconded to international organization. Case study: United Kingdom and the Netherlands
  • The „Lessons Learned” concept and its strategic importance for organisations’ efficiency in fields of security and crisis management
  • Risk analysis on Romania's participation with Seconded National Experts in international civilian missions and operations
  • SWOT analysis on the subject “Public Order on national territory”

Lorin Nicolae BOGDAN DUICĂ, National Cyber Security Directorate, Bucharest

Lorin Nicolae Bogdan-Duică, born on June 24, 1998, in Sibiu, is an expert in cybersecurity policy, strategy, and cooperation, currently working at the National Cyber Security Directorate of Romania.

Lorin’s academic path began with a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Bucharest, followed by a Master’s degree in European Law. He is now advancing his expertise as a Master’s student at the Carol I National Defence University, where he specializes in Crisis Management and Conflict Prevention. Throughout his studies and career, Lorin has committed to developing robust cybersecurity frameworks and fostering both national and international collaborations to address the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

In his professional journey, Lorin has focused on policy development and strategic cooperation to enhance cybersecurity resilience. His role involves liaising with stakeholders to implement forward-thinking solutions in cybersecurity and contributing to Romania's strategic security posture in response to global digital threats.


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How to Cite

MAFTEI, D., & DUICĂ, L. N. B. (2025). Risks, threats, and vulnerabilities related to social media platforms and search engines. Regulations and national legal frameworks. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(4), 249–265. https://doi.org/10.53477/2284-9378-24-62


