Information operations, rivalry projects in the information arena


  • Cristinel-Marius AMZA “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest



intelligence operations, ISR, counterintelligence, clandestine, confidential, secret.


The organization and conduct of intelligence operations in the Intelligence Arena involves a real rivalry and confrontation among the Intelligence Services, conducted in order to gain some advantages at the expense of others. Nothing is surprising in the fact that these rivals are constantly trying on the one hand to thwart each other’s efforts to know the other, and, on the other hand, to mislead, misinform, or deceive.

Author Biography

Cristinel-Marius AMZA, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest

Cristinel-Marius Amza joined the Faculty of Security and Defense (FSD) at the National University of Defense (CFS) Bucharest, Romania, in 2024, where he teaches master's courses for the Department of Intelligence for Defense. Marius obtained his doctorate (Ph. D.) from NDU "Carol I" in 2010.

Since 2004, when he was a student at NDU "Carol I", Marius researched and published about the particularly of stability operations and intelligence support for military operations, and the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) process. Marius was also, between 2015 and 2022, an associate professor of the Command and Staff Faculty (CSF) and of the FSA and taught master's and post-graduate courses, with an emphasis on intelligence and ISR.


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How to Cite

AMZA, C.-M. . (2025). Information operations, rivalry projects in the information arena. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(4), 221–233.


