The foundation for a joint fire support capability using the NATO model


  • Adrian MIREA



fire support, joint fire support, capability, NATO model, DOTMLPF-I.


Providing joint fire support is an indispensable capability for joint forces that facilitates the achievement of set objectives in all types of operations. Starting from the idea that the development of a fire support doctrine, currently non-existent at the national level, is not sufficient to achieve this capability at the joint force level, I have argued in this paper, other changes that I consider necessary using the NATO capability development model, described by the acronym DOTMLPF-I. In the first part of the article, I have briefly presented the components of the NATO model and then, in the second part, I address the fire support capability as a whole, in terms of doctrine, force structure organization, training, the need to review the available resources, the training of military leaders and fire support personnel, the existing infrastructure and the level of interoperability required to make this capability truly available to the armed forces structures. The actions identified in the eight strands of the NATO model can provide a perspective for developing or enhancing the capability to provide nationally-led joint fire support.

Author Biography

Adrian MIREA

LTC Adrian Mirea joined the Command and Staff Faculty of the „Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest in 2019, where he teaches various courses in Master and Bachelor programs. He is from Bucharest and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in Field Artillery in 2004 from „Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Military Academy. His previous assignments include artillery platoon and battery commander, staff officer in Battalion S4 and staff officer in Regiment S3.

LTC Mirea’s operational deployments include International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 2011 and Resolute Support Mission (RSM) 2016 in Afghanistan where he served as a logistics staff officer.

LTC Adrian Mirea is a graduate of the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, Field Artillery Advanced Course and Field Artillery Captains Career Course. He holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) from the „Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Military Academy (2004), and a Master’s degree from „Carol I” National Defence University (2019). He is currently a PhD Candidate (since 2019) and activates as an Advanced Military Science Instructor in the same institution.

 His awards and decorations include the General Staff Emblem of Honor, Land Forces Emblem of Honor, In Service of Peace Merit Emblem and the NATO Non-Article V Medal.


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How to Cite

MIREA , A. . (2025). The foundation for a joint fire support capability using the NATO model. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(4), 184–193.


