Rethinking military command and control systems


  • George-Ion TOROI



C2 (command and control), decision, adaptation, technology, human factor.


The evolution of society and the new characteristics of armed conflict, as demonstrated in today’s wars, highlight the need to adapt the military system to meet current and future challenges. In an increasingly complex and contested operational environment, command and control systems must be the first priority in this endeavour because of their impact on all other components of the military domain. Moreover, the technologization of society and the increased transparency of the confrontational environment place additional pressure on ensuring the effective protection and functionality of command-and-control systems.
This article explores the need to rethink the architecture and fundamentals of C2 systems, analysing the essential elements that support operational effectiveness: flexibility, modularity, survivability, small footprint and resilience. In the context of new multi-domain operational paradigms and accelerated technological progress, C2 adaptation involves the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation and real-time response capabilities to optimize decision-making. In particular, it emphasizes the importance of modularity and redundancy to ensure the operation of systems under conditions of intense conflict, as well as reducing electromagnetic vulnerability and increasing mobility. The article’s conclusions propose practical solutions for adapting C2 systems organized around the four components of people, processes, technology systems and command posts, highlighting their essential role in achieving decision advantage, a critical element of operational success on the modern battlefield.

Author Biography

George-Ion TOROI

George-Ion Toroi is a lieutenant colonel in the Romanian Army, currently serving as a senior instructor for the Land Forces Department at the Defense and Staff Faculty of the Romanian "Carol I" National Defense University. Born on December 5, 1982, in Stefanesti, Arges, he has accumulated 18 years of military experience, holding various positions from platoon commander to company commander, and serving as a division-level STRATCOM staff officer and ADC to HQMND-SE COM.

George-Ion Toroi is a 2006 graduate of the Romanian Land Forces Academy "Nicolae Bălcescu". He holds two master’s degrees: one in International Relations and Security Studies from the Faculty of Political Science, International Relations, and European Studies at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (2008), and another in Land Forces Combined Arms Command from the Romanian National Defense University "Carol I" (2020). Additionally, he earned a Ph.D. in Military Studies from the "Carol I" National Defense University in 2024.

His expertise encompasses a wide range of military activities, including tactical and operational level operations planning, military training and exercises (TREX), and tactical level land operations. His research interests extend to information activities, particularly the employment of deception in military operations.


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How to Cite

TOROI, G.-I. . (2025). Rethinking military command and control systems. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(4), 88–112.


