New data on the practice of desertions from the Red (Soviet) Army as an expression of the anti-Soviet resistance of the Moldavian SSR population in the years 1944-1954


  • Anatolie LEȘCU *Universitatea de Stat de Educație Fizică și Sport, Chișinău, Republica Moldova



USSR, Moldavian SSR, Red Army (Soviet), mobilization, population, desertion, security services, soldier, officer, murder, escape, arrest.


The history of the eastern part of what used to be Moldova, or the eastern area of Romanian territory located in the Pruto-Nistrean interfluve, which later became known as Bessarabia, is a tragic and turbulent one. In the last 200 years alone, this territory has undergone three occupations and annexations, all carried out by the Russian state in different forms: 1812, 1940, and 1944. The Sovietization of Moldova after the subsequent occupation of Bessarabia in the summer of 1944 proceeded with great difficulties, as the artificially created population of the Moldavian SSR resisted Soviet authorities in various ways. One of the forms of resistance was desertion from the Soviet Army. Desertion, a phenomenon characteristic of all armies worldwide, is a criminal offence that involves evading military service through various methods, such as fleeing from a unit or avoiding enlistment altogether. Under the conditions of forced Sovietization in the SSR between 1944 and 1953, this practice took on distinctly anti-Soviet characteristics, becoming a part of the population’s struggle against the occupiers.

Author Biography

Anatolie LEȘCU, *Universitatea de Stat de Educație Fizică și Sport, Chișinău, Republica Moldova

Anatolie Petru Leșcu, born on 18.05.1963 in the municipality. Bălți, Republic of Moldova (former Moldavian SSR), is a graduate of the State University of Moldova, class 1981 - 1986, with doctoral studies at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova and post-doctorate at the State University of Moldova. In the years 1992 - 2011 he worked in the National Army in various command positions in military units. Participant in the war for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova (1992).

Since 2005, he has been working at the Military Institute, later the Military Academy of the Armed Forces "Alexandru cel Bun". Area of ​​scientific interests: philosophical-political aspects of the development of civil society and the phenomenon of war; historical aspects of military security and defence; the history of the development of military art; history of wars and military conflicts; scientific biography of great commanders. He is a university lecturer at the Military Art department, scientific leader of students in the II cycle - master's and III cycle - doctorate in the field of military art.

Anatolie is the author of 5 monographs and several scientific articles published in the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation, as well as a participant in multiple international scientific conferences.




Archive of Social-political Organizations of the Republic of Moldova (AOSPRM), Fund 51, inventory 3, file 45.

__. Fund 51, inventory 3, file 89.

__. Fund 51, inventory 3, file 431.

__. Fund 51, inventory 3, file 438.

__. Fund 51, inventory 7, file 60.

__. Fund 51, inventory 8, file 76.

National Archive of the Republic of Moldova (ANRM), Fund 2862, inventory 3, file 5.

__. Fund 2859, inventory 3, file 4.

__. Fund 2859, inventory 3, file 10.

__. Fund 2873, inventory 4, file 8.

__. Fund 2875, inventory 3c, file 1.

__. Fund 2875, inventory 3c, file 3.

__. Fund 2891, inventory 2, file 2.

__. Fund 2879, inventory 3, file 4.




How to Cite

LEȘCU, A. (2025). New data on the practice of desertions from the Red (Soviet) Army as an expression of the anti-Soviet resistance of the Moldavian SSR population in the years 1944-1954. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(4), 46–53.


