Evolution of warships in the digital age


  • Alexandru CUCINSCHI




maritime power, maritime security, digital age, warships, digital technology, artificial intelligence.


In the context of historical developments in maritime conflicts, warships have always been the central pillars of naval power, determining the course of empires and influencing the outcomes of wars. From ancient Greek triremes and Roman galleys to modern aircraft carriers, these vessels have been essential in both national defence and the exploration and colonization of new territories. In contemporary times, the role of warships has further expanded to include humanitarian and peacekeeping missions while maintaining their fundamental functions of protecting maritime communication routes, controlling maritime spaces, and projecting force. As technology continues to advance, the digital age redefines naval capabilities, propelling warships into a new era of innovation and strategic complexity. This article provides a brief history of warships, highlighting the essential elements that have contributed to their development and ongoing relevance, and explores the future impact of the digital age on these crucial platforms for global security.

Author Biography


Born in 1982, Graduated from the "Ștefan cel Mare" military high school in 2000 and from the "Mircea cel Bătrân" Naval Academy in 2005, he obtained the diploma of engineer in navigation, navigation equipment and hydrography. In addition to the career courses, he completed a series of specialized courses such as boarding course, at the Diving Center; maritime terminology course at the "Mircea cel Bătrân" Naval Academy and operations planning course at the "Carol I" National Defense University. In the period 2017-2019, he attended the courses of the "Carol I" National Defense University, as a master's student in the Command and Staff Faculty/Naval Forces Department.

In the first part of his career, he served on board of the ships and in the Navy Staff. Since 2014, he has held positions in the Strategic Planning Directorate and the Multinational Division South-East, positions through the prism of which he made contact with the joint and strategic environment. Starting with 2019 he begins his teaching career in the "Carol I" National Defense University as an advanced instructor in the Command and Staff Faculty/Naval Forces Department.

He currently owns a PhD diploma in Military Sciences and works as an advanced instructor and head of the didactic committee in the "Carol I" National Defense University, having as his main concerns the coordination of practical-applicative studies, the conduct of courses, seminars and laboratories.


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How to Cite

CUCINSCHI, A. . (2025). Evolution of warships in the digital age. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(4), 37–45. https://doi.org/10.53477/2284-9378-24-47


