Evolution of warships in the digital age
maritime power, maritime security, digital age, warships, digital technology, artificial intelligence.Abstract
In the context of historical developments in maritime conflicts, warships have always been the central pillars of naval power, determining the course of empires and influencing the outcomes of wars. From ancient Greek triremes and Roman galleys to modern aircraft carriers, these vessels have been essential in both national defence and the exploration and colonization of new territories. In contemporary times, the role of warships has further expanded to include humanitarian and peacekeeping missions while maintaining their fundamental functions of protecting maritime communication routes, controlling maritime spaces, and projecting force. As technology continues to advance, the digital age redefines naval capabilities, propelling warships into a new era of innovation and strategic complexity. This article provides a brief history of warships, highlighting the essential elements that have contributed to their development and ongoing relevance, and explores the future impact of the digital age on these crucial platforms for global security.
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