The case study– a useful research strategy in the field of military sciences


  • Adrian MIREA



case study;, research strategy;, research methodology;, Saunders’ model.


This article argues for the usefulness of adopting the case study as an effective and sufficient strategy from the perspective of developing research papers in the field of Military Science. In the first stage, using Saunders’ model, I showed the logical course of a researcher’s reasoning up to the moment of establishing a suitable research strategy according to his object of study, the topic of interest or the problem formulated at the initiation of the scientific approach. Afterwards, I justified the motivation for choosing the case study as a research strategy, bringing to attention the main advantages and disadvantages that it entails. I thus had two objectives in writing this article: to emphasize the importance of clarifying and establishing certain research design, exemplified by going through the layers of Saunders’ model, and subsequently to highlight the versatility and flexibility of the case study as a research strategy, as it is accepted and used in all fields of scientific research.


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How to Cite

MIREA , A. . (2024). The case study– a useful research strategy in the field of military sciences. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(3), 230–239.


