Considerations regarding the use of mission command at the tactical level


  • Lucian Valeriu SCIPANOV Universitatea Naţională de Apărare „Carol I”
  • Vlad-Alexandru ORHEAN "Vice Admiral engineer Grigore Marteș” 110th Communications and Informatics Centre



mission command;, leading;, command and control;, initiative.


Mission Command is a specific component of the command and control system of military structures at all levels of leadership. Implementing the concept allows the commanders to encourage their subordinates to make quick and effective decisions. It also allows them to show their initiative and freedom of decision within the limits of the intention of the superior commander. In this article, a doctrinal-comparative introspection will be carried out to facilitate the identification of some advantages and disadvantages of using the Mission Command concept in the process of planning, leading, and evaluating operations at the tactical level. The research is based on the assumption that adapting the act of command and control to the particularities of the operation aims to maximize the effect of the action. Taking into account the aforementioned and not limiting ourselves to the principles of leadership, we can assert that this concept, which uses principles of military art and operational art, will become a tool at the disposal of future generations of military leaders to facilitate leading of forces with efficiency and effectiveness based on doctrinal foundations, within the limits of acceptable risks.

Author Biography

Lucian Valeriu SCIPANOV , Universitatea Naţională de Apărare „Carol I”

Lucian Valeriu SCIPANOV, Universitatea Naţională de Apărare „Carol I” Născut în 1973 în Tulcea, absolvent al Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, Constanţa, în 1997 şi al Facultăţii de comandă şi stat major din Universitatea Naţională de Apărare “Carol I”, Bucureşti, în 2012. În prezent ocup postul de profesor în Departamentul forţe navale din Facultatea de comandă şi stat major din cadrul Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare “Carol I”. Principalele activităţi educaţionale desfăşurate în cadrul departamentului sunt legate de executarea atribuţiilor didactice specifice domeniului educaţional. Aceste atribuţii sunt materializate prin activităţi de predare şi participare la cursuri, planificare şi desfăşurare de exerciţii şi studii de stat major, elaborare cursuri, publicaţii, articole, alte activităţi specifice domeniului epistemologic al ştiinţei militare, caracteristice specialităţii Artă Militară Forţe Navale.


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How to Cite

SCIPANOV , L. V., & ORHEAN, V.-A. (2024). Considerations regarding the use of mission command at the tactical level. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(3), 151163.


