Resilience – effects multiplier in preparing counter-deception


  • George-Ion TOROI



resilience;, deception;, counter-deception preparation;, critical thinking, adaptation.


This article examines the critical role of resilience as an effect multiplier in the preparation and training of military personnel. By developing the ability to operate under uncertainty and take calculated risks, armed forces can reduce their vulnerability to manipulation and disinformation. The analysis focuses on ways to build resilience, emphasizing the importance of mental flexibility, adaptability, critical thinking, and thorough preparation for dynamic challenges. The study also highlights the need to integrate these skills into military training programs to produce leaders capable of making informed decisions even in the absence of all necessary information. The findings suggest that a resilience-based approach can significantly improve the ability to counter deception and thus contribute to the operational success of the armed forces.


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How to Cite

TOROI, G.-I. . (2024). Resilience – effects multiplier in preparing counter-deception. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(3), 178–192.


