Methodological Approaches in Military Science Research


  • George-Ion TOROI



methodology;, military sciences;, research methods;, research strategy, scientific research.


Scientific research is a prerequisite for progress in all areas of society, and military science is no exception. However, its specificities require careful analysis in order to identify specific methodological approaches to ensure the added value of the results obtained. Moreover, the need for continuous transformation and adaptation of military structures to the operating environment and to the specific characteristics of contemporary armed conflicts leads to an increased interest in identifying innovative solutions in this field. Academic research is the approach to provide feasible and viable solutions to these challenges. However, there are relatively few works that address the methodological peculiarities specific to the field of military science. For this reason, the present article analyses how to organize and conduct scientific studies in the military field, proposing a structured framework of methodological approach in 14 steps to ensure the logical coherence of the approach, while highlighting the specificities of the field under analysis.


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How to Cite

TOROI, G.-I. . (2024). Methodological Approaches in Military Science Research. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(3), 89–104.


