Open Systems Theory in Organizations and Geopolitics


  • Anastasios-Nikolaos KANELLOPOULOS , Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece



Open Systems Theory;, Geopolitics;, Geoeconomics, Westphalian Order;, Medieval Era.


This paper presents a theoretical approach exploring the application of Open Systems Theory within geopolitics. Traditionally, geopolitics has focused on state-centric power dynamics; however, the increasing influence of non-state actors such as multinational corporations, and transnational networks has blurred the boundaries between states and other global entities. By employing Open Systems Theory, this paper offers a new conceptual framework to understand the complex and interconnected nature of modern international relations. The study ultimately argues that Open Systems Theory provides a nuanced perspective essential for analyzing the evolving dynamics of global politics.

Author Biography

Anastasios-Nikolaos KANELLOPOULOS, , Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Dimitrios Stavropoulos holds a Master in IT Systems in Business Administration from Harokopio University of Athens, a Bachelor in Physics from EKPA University of Athens and a Bachelor in Public Security from Hellenic Police Academy (Officers’ Faculty). In addition, he is a certified Forensic Analyst from the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection.

His research interests include exploiting intelligence from multiple flows, creation trends and
patterns.Anastasios-Nikolaos Kanellopoulos is a PhD candidate of the Athens University of Economics and Business, holds a Master in International Relations, Strategy and Security from the University of Neapolis Pafos in Cyprus, a Bachelor in Business Administration from the Athens University of Economics and Business and a Bachelor in Public Security from Hellenic Police Academy. In addition, he is a certified Security Risk Analyst from
FRONTEX and the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection. His research interests include Competitive Intelligence and Counterintelligence frameworks application in modern Business environment


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How to Cite

KANELLOPOULOS, A.-N. . (2024). Open Systems Theory in Organizations and Geopolitics. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(3), 54–64.


