The mixed system of complementing the armed forces – a requirement for the Republic of Moldova


  • Ion COROPCEAN Agenția pentru Știință și Memorie Militară, București, România



the system of complementing the armed forces, mixed system, military service, type of army, professionalization of the army, reserve of the armed forces.


Military service is a complex social and legal phenomenon that is at the basis of the completion and functioning of the armed forces. Depending on the completion system, the armed forces may be composed of conscripts, volunteers and/or professional military personnel. Contractbased military service significantly contributes to strengthening the armed forces’ operationalcapabilities. Conscript military service is the main form for the military training of citizens who are later included in the reserve to ensure the mobilization of the army. The mixed system of complementing the armed forces organized in the Republic of Moldova responds to the interests of the military construction in the new security conditions after the start of the war in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

COROPCEAN , I. . (2024). The mixed system of complementing the armed forces – a requirement for the Republic of Moldova. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(2), 30–43.


