The theory of the regional security complex — Case study, the riparian states of the Black Sea


  • Adrian GHENADE Academia Națională de Informații Mihai Viteazul, București, România
  • Elena ONU National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest



Black Sea, security complex theory, poststructuralism, Copenhagen School, NATO, security.


Known in Antiquity as the Pontus Euxinus, the Black Sea has been the bridge between European and Eastern civilizations since ancient times. Possessing a multi-varied mosaic of cultures, the Black Sea area has facilitated over the centuries, both the development of commercial and political relations and the maintenance and production of conflicts, being like the Sword of Damocles. Located at the intersection of three security zones (Euro-Atlantic, Russian, and Eastern), the Black Sea is currently a vulnerable space in terms of security. Heir to Byzantine culture, most of the riparian states have a complicated internal and external policy, being caught between the idealism of the Western world and the realism of the Eastern European space. At the same time, the revisionism of the Russian Federation and Turkey in terms of foreign policy will also mean a change in the dynamics of the relations between the states bordering the Black Sea, which could result either in its return to the status of a Russian lake or in a division of the spheres of influence between the Russian Federation and Turkey. In this sense, in order to analyze the future security dynamics of the riparian states, we used the theory of the regional security complex, which we consider very appropriate in our study of the Black Sea region.


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How to Cite

GHENADE, A. ., & ONU, E. . (2024). The theory of the regional security complex — Case study, the riparian states of the Black Sea. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(1), 212–222.


