Modeling rifle section reconnaissance patrol formation


  • Vinko ŽNIDARŠIČ University of Defence, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Velibor PAVLOVIĆ University of Defence, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
  • Aleksandar VARGA University of Defence, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia



rifle section (rifle squad), formation, reconnaissance patrol, command and control, scenario-based method.


The successful execution of reconnaissance patrols by rifle section commanders hinges on their ability to adeptly organize their soldiers into effective formations. These formations must ensure both the safety and efficacy of the soldiers and the mission at hand. Inefficient utilization of human and material resources within rifle sections assuming the role of reconnaissance patrols can detrimentally impact the combat readiness of higher echelon units. This paper aims to explore the optimization of rifle section organizational structures by aligning them with regulations and effectively balancing capabilities with requirements. By comparing prescribed protocols in the Serbian Armed Forces with commanders’ practical insights and utilizing scientific methodologies to evaluate various scenarios, this research endeavors to distill one or several generalized rifle section reconnaissance formations applicable across a spectrum of situations.

Author Biography

Vinko ŽNIDARŠIČ, University of Defence, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Higher education

  •  Bachelor degree in Military Science at the Military Academy in Belgrade, Serbia, 1997.
  • master of geographical sciences in the field of Geographic Information Systems at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade, 2008.
  •  doctorate in Military Science at the Military Academy of the University of Defence in Belgrade, Serbia, 2016.

Current position and affiliation: Teacher at Military Academy, University of Defence in Belgrade, Serbia

Research interests: Infantry Tactics, Geographic Information Systems, Command and control, Human resources Management, Mine Action.




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How to Cite

ŽNIDARŠIČ, V. ., PAVLOVIĆ, V. ., & VARGA, A. . (2024). Modeling rifle section reconnaissance patrol formation. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(1), 110–127.


