Military culture: Understanding deeper dynamics through the warrior archetype


  • Eric OUELLET Department of Defence Studies with the Royal Military College of Canada and the Canada Forces College in Toronto



Archetype, Canadian Armed Forces, Carl Jung, military culture, organizational behavior, psychology, the unconscious.


This paper proposes a new psycho-sociological approach to understanding military culture change, built on the notion of warrior archetype, in line with psychiatrist Carl Jung’s concept of archetype. It contends that military culture and its related institutional forms fundamentally seek to mobilize on an ongoing basis human energy produced through the activation of the warrior archetype. The archetype is built on enhancing feelings of strength in numbers, and empowerment through socially sanctioned actions and potential use of violence. It uses the example of the Canadian Armed Forces culture change effort to illustrate that any such planned organizational culture change will fail if it does not remain consistent with activating the warrior archetype, as its central dynamic and purpose.

Author Biography

Eric OUELLET, Department of Defence Studies with the Royal Military College of Canada and the Canada Forces College in Toronto

Higher education:

  • Bachelor degree in   Political Science, Université Laval, 1990
  • Master degree in     Political Science, Université Laval, 1993
  • Doctorate degree in  Sociology, York University, 1999

Relevant training courses:

Strategic Intelligence Analysis Course. Ottawa, Canadian Police College.

  • Saltzman’s Summer Workshop on Analysis of Military Operations and Strategy. Cornell University.
  • Full Professor, Royal Military College of Canada & Canadian Forces College

Research interests:

  • Military Sociology, Non-conventional warfare, Disinformation, Organizational Sociology, Political Sociology.

Relevant scientific achievements:

  • NATO Research and Technology Organization Scientific Achievement Award (Team)


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How to Cite

OUELLET, E. . (2024). Military culture: Understanding deeper dynamics through the warrior archetype. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 13(1), 7–30.


