Considerations regarding possible directions for improving the method of carrying out financial control in public institutions in Romania


  • Sebastian FLOȘTOIU Academia Forțelor Terestre „Nicolae Bălcescu”, Sibiu, România



financial control, limits of financial control, legality, efficiency, effectiveness, economy.


This article aims to analyze the current state and the fundamental role of financial control within public entities in Romania. Through a methodology based on comparative analysis, the study focuses on financial control legislation and practices, highlighting significant developments and changes in recent years. The analysis is enriched by assessing the impact of these changes on the efficiency and transparency of the management of public funds.
In particular, the article identifies progress made within the financial control system, highlighting legislative and administrative improvements as well as persistent challenges. Special attention is paid to the impact of the reforms on the transparency of public spending and the accountability of government institutions.The results of the analysis emphasize a gradual tendency to improve financial control practices, but also highlight the continuous need for reform and adaptation to European and international standards. Through this analysis, the article contributes to the existing literature on this topic, providing an updated perspective on the state of financial control in Romania and emphasizing its importance for efficient and responsible governance.
In conclusion, the study reveals the vital importance of continuing reforms in the field of financial control, not only to improve administrative efficiency, but also to strengthen public confidence in the way state resources are administered.


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How to Cite

FLOȘTOIU, S. (2024). Considerations regarding possible directions for improving the method of carrying out financial control in public institutions in Romania. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(4), 276–284.


