Warning signs of advanced Islamic radicalization


  • Iulia-Mihaela DRĂGAN *Universitatea Naţională de Apărare „Carol I”– Informații și securitate națională




signs of radicalization, advanced stage, prevention and early warning, Islamic radicalization, cognitive and behavioral.


The article analyzes the primary cognitive and behavioral indicators observable following the manifestation of the Islamic radicalization process, specifically the advanced stage of radicalization. The research scope is also related to identifying signals of Islamic radicalization by utilizing a methodology based on the analysis of cases of radicalization among Romanian citizens.
As the research aims to analyze the main signals indicating the advanced stage of individual radicalization, these indicators are valuable for early warning, both from the perspective of practitioners and competent authorities in preventing and combating radicalization. They are also beneficial for civil society to increase awareness regarding the identification of radical discourse encountered in the online environment.


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How to Cite

DRĂGAN, I.-M. . (2024). Warning signs of advanced Islamic radicalization. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(4), 225–238. https://doi.org/10.53477/2284-9378-23-59


