In defense of a forgotten territory. The fight against ethno-nationalist/separatist terrorism at the border of South Dobrogea (1922-1926) II
Komitadji, border incident, South Dobrogea, nationalist terrorism, acts of banditry.Abstract
The support received by the Bulgarian komitadjis from the civil and military authorities in the attacks, robberies, and murders they committed on the southern border of Romania confirmed the suspicion of the authorities in Bucharest that their actions against border guards and Romanian citizens had political connotations and could not be characterized as acts of banditry. Although significant efforts were made by the Romanian government to halt them, both at the diplomatic and military levels, the decision-making factors in Bulgaria during the period investigated in this article did not take any measures to prevent the occurrence of these border incidents.
Arhiva Ministerului Afacerilor Externe. n.d. „Incidente de frontieră cu Bulgaria, f.n frontieră cu Bulgaria.” Fond Problema 52, Volumul IV. București.
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