A plea for a unified and compatible national security terminology


  • Adrian GHENADE, MSc. Candidate Academia Națională de Informații Mihai Viteazul, București, România
  • Leon-Andrei TOADER, BSc. Medialogy Faculty of Aalborg University, Aalborg
  • Șerban-Dan PREDESCU, Ph.D Candidate National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest
  • Elena (TUDOR) ONU, Ph.D Candidate National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest




security, defense, safety, terminology, strategy, law, information, intelligence.


Security terminology is a contentious and unclear topic in Romania. By analyzing the public speeches of politicians or national strategy texts, we often notice the presence of confusion regarding the correct use of the terms: security, defence, and safety. This confusion gives rise to both theoretical and practical problems, manifested in misunderstandings at the institutional level regarding their respective roles, society’s misconceptions about the functions of certain organizations, and the failure to harness the
collaborative potential between society and the military sector. The appropriate solution to address these issues is the cultivation of a security culture that fosters a grasp of fundamental concepts in this field. To achieve this objective, it is considered essential to have adequate knowledge and usage of the main concepts related to security terminology. This will bring order and enhance understanding of the processes involved in achieving security, defence, and safety.

Author Biographies

Adrian GHENADE, MSc. Candidate, Academia Națională de Informații Mihai Viteazul, București, România

Born on16.01.1998, Comănești, Adrian Ghenade graduate of theBucharest University, Faculty of History, series of graduated 2020-2023.

The academic training has been completed by graduating Internship at the Romanian Parliament, Internship at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, European Parliament Office in Romania.

Leon-Andrei TOADER, BSc., Medialogy Faculty of Aalborg University, Aalborg

Born on 05.09.1993,  Bucharest,  Leon-Andrei Toader graduate of the
Aalborg University, Faculty Medialogy, series of graduates 2018.
By profession Information Technology Professional, he has carried out his activity as a IT
Infrastructure Specialist to OLIMPIA KAR SRL.

Șerban-Dan PREDESCU, Ph.D Candidate , National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

Born on August 6, 1995, town Pitești, Predescu Șerban-Dan graduate of the  Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Faculty Dental Medicine, series of graduates 2020.The academic training has been completed by graduating master's studies, courses, internships as follows:

Postgraduate courses:

Security Information Management – ​​Romanian-American University

Introduction to the history and philosophy of science and technology – Romanian Academy


Cultural Diplomacy – Hyperion University Bucharest

PhD student:

Political Sciences (Subfield: International Relations) – National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA)

Training stage:

The Committee for Foreign Policy of the Romanian Senate

Program dedicated to the introduction to the world of diplomacy entitled "Young friends of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute" - Romanian Diplomatic Institute.

By profession dentist, he has carried out his  activity as dentist/trainer/doctoral student

 to Dr. Șerban-Dan Predescu Dental Clinique/Hyperion University/National School of Political and Administrative Studies.

He  has a scientific activity (researches, university courses), being the author of (books) with the title "Information Security Management"/,,Foray into the World of Espionage"and several articles and scientific papers "Intelligence cooperation between the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union", "Nicolae Titulescu, Father of Romanian Diplomacy", published at the  publishing house, in Romania.


Elena (TUDOR) ONU, Ph.D Candidate, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

Elena (Tudor) Onu is a doctoral student of the Doctoral School of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest - SNSPA, majoring in Political Science and International Relations, secretary of the Intelligence Studies Center for Security and Applied Geopolitics CSIS&GA, member of the Study Center of Intelligence (CSIH) within the Hyperion University and the University Association for Contemporary European Studies/ UACES.

He completed his academic training by completing several university master's courses/studies, training internships:

  • Master in Security Studies - Information Analysis at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance;
  • Postgraduate studies - "Security management in the Slavic cultural space" (in Russian) at the "Mihai Viteazu" National Information Academy and "Crisis Management and Euro-Atlantic Security Course" (in English) at the "Carol I" National Defense University "Romania;
  • Summer School – "Understanding Russia and EU-Russia relations: Insights Foreign Policy Actors, Institutions and Policy-Making" at the Center for Eurasian and Russian Studies and Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu;
  • Masterclass "Geopolitics:" What are the fundamentals of power?" (in French) supported by Prof. Dr Pierre Verluise - founder of Diploweb.com, research associate at the Fondation Pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS)

He is an OSINT analyst by profession and has a good scientific activity, being a former associate teacher at SNSPA where he held seminars on "International Organizations" and "Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation" and at the "Mihai Viteazu" National Intelligence Academy where he held courses on "Thinking criticism and Intelligence Analysis" and "Cognitive errors in intelligence analysis" within the master's "Intelligence Analysis".

She is the author of several articles and scientific communications, published in national publications: Journal of Political Sciences and International Relations - LARICS and the magazine INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE STRATEGIES XXI, but also abroad: the magazines Europe-Asia Studies, Institute of Central and East European Studies, University Glasgow, CESRAN International, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal and "Iran and the Caucasus" International Journal, Armenia.


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How to Cite

GHENADE, MSc. Candidate, A. ., TOADER, BSc., L.-A. ., PREDESCU, Ph.D Candidate , Șerban-D. ., & (TUDOR) ONU, Ph.D Candidate, E. . (2023). A plea for a unified and compatible national security terminology. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(3), 172–184. https://doi.org/10.53477/2284-9378-23-41


