A short analysis of security culture from the perspective of postmodern society


  • Vladimir MILOȘEVICI, Ph.D Candidate Facultatea de Sociologie şi Asistență Socială, Universitatea din Bucureşti, România




security culture, postmodernism, postmodernity, relativization of truth, diversity, international cooperation, digital education, strategic cultures


This article explores new dimensions of security in the context of postmodernity. The article highlights the influence of postmodernism and postmodernity on security culture and presents necessary measures to mitigate the risks associated with this paradigm. In a society characterized by plurality, relativism, and diversity, security culture must evolve to address new digital challenges. It presents how the concept of the relativization of truth from the perspective of postmodernism can affect the approach to security, highlighting both benefits and challenges. It also examines the impact of globalization and digitization on security, highlighting the need for international cooperation and interdisciplinary strategies. The article emphasizes that promoting digital education, raising awareness, developing collaboration, and implementing technology are crucial in building an adaptable and effective security culture in the face of the challenges of postmodernity.

Author Biography

Vladimir MILOȘEVICI, Ph.D Candidate, Facultatea de Sociologie şi Asistență Socială, Universitatea din Bucureşti, România

Born on 02.09.1985 in Giurgiu, Vladimir Miloşevici is a graduate of the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, class 2008. He is a PhD student in his third year at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the University of Bucharest.

He completed his academic training by completing the university master's studies - "European Public Administration" organized by the Management Faculty of the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, 2010 class.He also graduated the courses of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration of the University "Spiru Haret" Bucharest, majoring in law, 2012 graduation.An economist by profession, he works as an officer in the Romanian Intelligence Service.

He participated at two international conferences: Entrepreneurship and Research Conference, Panel 6: Advertising & Digital Society, organized by the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences of Babeș-Bolyai University, March 30, 2022, the topic presented: "Disinformation phenomenon in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Counteracting various forms of fake-news" and Crisis Communication and Conflict Resolution, organized by the Faculty of European Studies within Babeș-Bolyai University and the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations within the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, April 8, 2022, the topic presented : "Conspiracy theories in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Counteracting various forms of fake-news".




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How to Cite

MILOȘEVICI, Ph.D Candidate, V. . (2023). A short analysis of security culture from the perspective of postmodern society. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(3), 126–136. https://doi.org/10.53477/2284-9378-23-37


