From conflict to catastrophe: Russia-Ukraine tensions ripple across


  • Saranya ANTONY,Ph.D



Russia, Ukraine, EU, NATO.


This paper is an analysis of the Ukraine crisis in 2014 evolving to 2022 as the prelude to the Russia-Ukraine fullfledged war that started in February 2022. The escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reverberated beyond their borders, with the active involvement of key international actors such as the European Union (EU), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the United States (US) in the conflict zone. Notably, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, visited the Kherson and Luhansk regions, further exacerbating tensions in the area. Preceding these events, Russia organized a referendum on 20 September in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, wherein enthusiasm for joining the Russian Federation was expressed. These developments are perceived as manifestations of Russia’s dissatisfaction with Ukraine’s political decisions. The conflict’s initiation in 2022 can be attributed to Ukraine’s aspirations to align itself with NATO and the EU, which sparked Russia’s aggressive actions. Despite Ukraine’s efforts to regain control of Crimea and restore its sovereignty, exemplified by the formation of the Crimea Platform at its first Summit in 2021 with the backing of the EU and NATO, the situation has escalated into a full-scale war. By examining the sequence of events and the underlying geopolitical dynamics, this paper aims to shed light on the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its shift into a catastrophic war. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between political decisions, regional ambitions, and the global ramifications of military aggression in contemporary international conflicts.

Author Biography

Saranya ANTONY,Ph.D

Date of birth, City/Country: 28/07/1991, Mussoorie/ India

Higher education (undergraduate and graduate studies): PhD

  • Bachelor degree in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): Political Science, Calicut University, First class(2011)
  • Master degree in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): Politics with specialization in International Relations, Jawaharlal Nehru University,  First class(2013)
  • Master of Philosophy in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): International Relations, Russia and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, First class(2016), Dissertation on: “Representation of Russiain the Baltic Media over Ukraine Crisis of 2014”.
  • Doctorate degree in (field of study), awarded by (University), class of (year): International Relations, Russia and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, (2022), Thesisis on “Higher Education Reforms and Transformation of Public Universities in Lithuania and India in the Neoliberal era”.

Current position and affiliation: Research Fellow in Political Theory and Constitutional Law, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration is a civil service training institute on public policy and public administration in Musoorie, Uttarakhand in India.Research interests: Theories of International relations, International politics, war and peace, Baltic States, Ukraine-Russia relations, Higher education, Gender and intersectionality.Relevant scientific achievements: Erasmus exchange fellowship received from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, in 2018.Worked as an assistant professor of Government College of Arts and Science, Androth Island, Lakshadweep, India.


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How to Cite

ANTONY,Ph.D, S. . (2023). From conflict to catastrophe: Russia-Ukraine tensions ripple across. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(3), 60–72.


