The New Revolution in Language Learning: The Power of Artificial Intelligence and Education 4.0


  • Ana-Maria CHISEGA-NEGRILĂ Universitatea Națională de Apărare „Carol I”



artificial intelligence;, education 4.0; ., language learning;, chatbots;, machine learning


This article explores the connection between artificial intelligence (AI) and language learning in the context of Education 4.0, highlighting how the former revolutionizes the latter with the introduction of emerging technologies and innovations in education. The article discusses how AI improves the processes of language learning through personalized learning experiences, interactive practice, and automated assessment. AI can be used to create diverse learning materials and immersive experiences that align with the principles of Education 4.0. When used correctly, AI can bring numerous benefits to language learning, such as increased efficiency, greater student engagement in the teaching-learning process, and the accessibility of content from anywhere and on any device. Additionally, it emphasizes the need to adopt Education 4.0 accompanied by the development of content that equips students with the necessary skills in the digital age. The article also highlights the importance of integrating AI and Education 4.0 in language learning to promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy


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How to Cite

CHISEGA-NEGRILĂ, A.-M. (2023). The New Revolution in Language Learning: The Power of Artificial Intelligence and Education 4.0. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(2), 16–27.


