Legal and ethical aspects of the synchronization of military and non-military activities in multi-domain operations
war;, operation;, multi-domain;, law;, legal;, moral;, synchronisationAbstract
The evolution of war and armed conflicts in contemporary society and in the foreseeable future requires deep reflection not only on the physiognomy of the confrontation but also on rethinking the ways of adapting the forms and procedures of military action to the requirements of international law, principles, and norms concerning the protection of victims, different categories of persons, and material and cultural assets. “Multi-domain operations” have a considerably increased potential for generating combined destructive effects achieved with means of combat based on new technologies. By synchronizing military and non-military activities, this mixing can, in turn, generate consequences that may fall under the law of armed conflict. In this context, our aim in this material is to identify some aspects that reflect the need to synchronize multi-domain operations with the legal regulations and ethical conditions necessary for conducting contemporary military conflicts.
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