Higher military education focused on quantifiable learning outcomes
higher military education; ., learning outcomes;, the resilience of the higher military education systemAbstract
This article proposes potential solutions for adapting higher military education to the trends of education centered on learning outcomes. These solutions are based on specific military competences captured by national specialized institutions and aim to meet the requirements
of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The analysis and proposed model are based on the Sectoral Qualifications Framework for the Military Officer Profession (SQF-MILOF), which was proposed by the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) and recognized by the Military Committee of the European Union in 2021. This approach is relevant because the ESDC system will serve as the basis for developing a model based on learning outcomes, adapted to the national framework for training future commanders and staff officers. The authors intend to promote this solution as one aligned with European standards.
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