The Nagorno-Karabah conflict – zero point of future conflicts?
Nagorno-Karabakh;, air defence;, unmanned aircraft systems, ; drone; missiles;., UAS;, technologyAbstract
The 44-day war between Armenia and Azerbaijan from September to November 2020 was the latest escalation of unresolved tensions in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The war gained widespread attention, particularly due to the extensive use of unmanned aircraft systems.
These systems, regardless of their country of origin, were assigned various missions, from reconnaissance to artillery fire support or even missions to destroy military targets or equipment. Analyzing the preparation process of the Azerbaijani army and their approach to the conflict, through the use of a wide range of technologies and systems that often did not require the physical presence of soldiers, allows for the detection of important trends and perspectives on how future conflicts will be shaped by the widespread use of missiles, unmanned aircraft systems, and artillery.
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