Public diplomacy during military international conflicts. The Ukraine war case


  • Ecaterina HLIHOR " Carol I" National Defence University



public diplomacy;, Russian aggression over Ukraine;, security interest;, public opinion


Nowadays, warfare is characterized by a huge intensity of fight, large investment in military technology that led to new ways of combat and increased its visibility. While the changing strategic, social and cultural features of this environment have forced governments and armies to add new fight strategies including public diplomacy, the public diplomacy itself transformed. Therefore, this article reviews current research in this field and presents a theoretical approach of the actual war. In this regard, the topic discussed is the battle between the Ukrainian and Russian military for image and legitimacy in the international public opinion. In the information age in which we live, the activities and capabilities of public diplomacy can have a significant impact on how people, organizations, and governments perceive this war. The purpose of the article is to examine the management of public diplomacy in the case of both actors involved in this war.


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How to Cite

HLIHOR , E. . (2023). Public diplomacy during military international conflicts. The Ukraine war case. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 12(1), 19–30.


