
  • Mădălina STRECHIE University of Craiova




conflict;, strategy;, disaster;, surprise;, Pun; ., ability;, special;, warrior


Romeʼs fiercest enemy, the one who defeated Rome on its own in the Second Punic War, Hannibalus was one of the most special warriors of all time, so we can call the Second Punic War, his war. It was through all the actions he really took his
war with Rome, both after all the outstanding theories about the war, but especially by the fact that the talented Carthaginian general defeated Rome at her home, shattering the myth of her invincibility, as a city of Mars. We are not wrong when we
claim that Hannibal would have defeated the god of war in this conflict as well.From the beginning of military hostilities to their end, the perfect strategist of the Puns fully controlled the theatre of operations, even being its sole director, putting his enemy, Rome, in the most disastrous situation of all time. Basically, Hannibal eliminated the echelon of command of the Roman army, but also the Roman army that is shattered in three successive battles at Trebia, Trasimenus and Cannae, ending up threatening Rome itself through the famous ante portas episode. Even though Hannibalʼs war did not result in Hannibal’s peace, the intention of the brilliant general was to eliminate Rome as an armed force and economic strength, an objective fully accomplished during the military operations. The detail that eluded
him was the Roman tenacity, the one that stole his peace, but Hannibal has entirely the paternity of the second war between the Puns and the Romans, being to this day a genius of the art of war, unmatched yet.

Author Biography

Mădălina STRECHIE , University of Craiova

Born on 14.12.1976, town VINTILĂ-VODĂ, BUZĂU COUNTY, Mădălina STRECHIE graduate of the University of Craiova, Faculty of History and Latin Language and Literature, ranked the first series of graduates 1999.

Has the title of doctor in History at the University of Craiova, attained in 2008 by University of Craiova.

The academic training has been completed by graduating master's studies, courses, internships, doctoral stage as follows. Since 2016 she it is Doctor Habil. in Ancient History at the University of Craiova.

By profession teacher, she has carried out her activity as Professor PHD. Habil, a specialist in ancient history and Latin language and literature, holding tenure at the University of Craiova, she it is member of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities, PhD supervisor in IOSUD Craiova.

She has a vast scientific activity (researches, university courses), being the author of 18  books, 7 like single author and 11 like coordinator/editor. The most important book it is her doctoral thesis entitled: The woman’s status within the Roman family of equestrian origin during the Principate, Editura Universitaria, Cod CNCSIS 130, Craiova, 2008, 454 pagini, ISBN: 978-973-742-982-7 (two editions) and several articles and scientific papers, published at the Universitaria, Universității de Vest din Timișoara, a Academiei Forțelor Terestre, „Nicolae Bălcescu” din Sibiu, Arhipelag XXI Press din Târgu Mureș, Sitech Craiova, Pro Universitaria, Universul Juridic  publishing house etc. in the country like: “The Punic Wars: a “clash of civilizations” in Antiquity”, din The 21st International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization, Conference Proceedings 2, Economic, Social and Administrative approaches to The Knowledge-Based Organization, 11-13 june 2015, “ Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy Publishing House, Sibiu, 2015, pp. 370-375, ISSN 1843-6722. indexat ISI Thomas Reuteurs, ISI Web of Knowledge http://apps.isiknowledge.com, and abroad like: STRECHIE Mădălina, author : Chapter 4: ”The Cult of personality in Some Ancient Civilizations: Mentalities and Communication Strategies” in ***Uncertainty Communication Solution in Neutrosophic Key, Florentin Smarandache, Bianca Teodorescu, Mirela Teodorescu (Editors), Belgium, Bruxelles, Editura EuropaNova asbl, 2015, 104 p., ISBN:978-1-59973-371-5, pp. 49-65 etc.



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How to Cite

STRECHIE , M. . (2023). HANNIBALʼS STRATAGEMS. BULLETIN OF "CAROL I" NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, 11(4), 85–90. https://doi.org/10.53477/2284-9378-22-98


