: China, soft power;, Confucianism;, Confucius InstitutesAbstract
In the past few decades soft power has become, , the most commonly used foreign term on the Asian continent and has received special attention both from specialists in International Relations and from the representatives of the Chinese
Communist Party. Stepping into the third millennium, China shows a tendency of reconfiguration for its position and role in relation to the other great powers of the world, and adopts the soft power strategy, which is adapted to assert itself globally.
For almost two decades in which the concept of soft power has been studied and attempts to adapt it to the country’s values have been made, China concludes that its tradition, culture, history and philosophy can be an advantage in creating links with
the other countries from Asia as well as those outside the Asian continent. In this regard, the Chinese government is allocating a generous amount of money for the establishment of Chinese language, culture and literature centers, named Confucius Institute around the world, starting with Asia. At present, China argues that their role is particularly important, as these centers, built on the model of English, French, or Spanish language centers, are not only aimed at the Chinese-speaking public, but are an intermediary between China and the host country,
in order to establish cooperative relations, presenting Chinese culture, history and civilization and attracting as many sympathizers as possible.
The article presents, describes and analyzes the structure and operation of the Confucius Institutes from a Chinese perspective, and illustrates the relationship between China’s soft power policy and their operating program, as exposed by Chinese sources as well
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China’s new openness to the West is intended
to send a message of goodwill, to make itself known
and thus to establish cooperative international
relations with a view to economic development. To
this end, the Chinese government is using the soft
power instruments at its disposal: millennia-old
culture, civilization, philosophy and the Chinese
language, and is banking on the fact that anything
different from the West will appeal primarily to the
civilian population. According to this plan, China
believes it will succeed in holding a dialogue with
democratic countries, establishing close economic
relations and partnerships, distracting the public
from the shortcomings left behind by a communiststyle government and emphasizing the positive
elements in the country’s culture.
From the information presented in the article,
it can be concluded that China’s image is currently
positioned between two extremes: The first, which is
represented by its positive and benevolent attitude,
its desire to conquer with its charm, relying on its
thousands of years of history, culture and philosophy,
and proposing itself as a model of society that has
endured over millennia, and the second, rather
skeptical perspective of some Western countries that
associate the Confucius Institutes with the Trojan
horse, considering them as extensions of the Chinese
government in the space outside China.
On the other hand, we cannot exclude the
real situation, at least at the national level, that
their number and status as relatively new Cultural
Centers has not allowed them to exert too much
influence to be considered valuable instruments
of soft power politics. It is true that in the rest of
Europe and beyond, the number of these Institutes
is significant, which may raise questions and
attract skepticism from analysts. This could indeed
motivate the decision of foreign universities to stop
collaborating with Hanban and suspend the work
of the Confucius Institutes.
As it is already known, the effects of soft power
are not visible in a short time, and it is necessary to
form an objective view before labelling them as a
threat or a harmless means of gaining easier access
to Chinese language, culture and civilization, a
thorough analysis conducted over a long period
of time, a possible establishment of an Institutes
research Centre operating independently of
Hanban, and empowered to refute or confirm any
assumptions about the Confucius Institutes and the
usefulness of their actions, is needed.
Bulletin of ”Carol I” National Defence University
September 2022
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