reality; social construct; perception; emotion; semiotics.Abstract
Defining reality and the mechanisms by which people perceive it is a difficult and challenging task in this age of post-truth, where everything is relative, interpretable, and dynamic, without generally accepted norms. However, there is a close relationship between the human and the social environment. This binomial is a construction that integrates the human mind, body, spirit and environment. The continuous interaction between the human and the social environment creates the reality that manifests itself as a continuous process of coding and decoding. But, the way we interpret a situation determines the consequences of our actions and even the way things can evolve, so starting from the wrong premises, from a wrong interpretation of a situation, people behave accordingly. Therefore, in this material starting from the way the representation of the individual is formed about the environment, society, world from the perspective of neuroscience, social psychology, cognitive sociology, the main aspects of how to construct reality will be reviewed.
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