Terrorism is a war which is made in time of peace, a war without borders and without fronts, a war which is considered just by terrorist.Terrorism is a given fact, but, in the same time, a creation of human society and a creation of a thirsty man which is obsessed by power. What is unfair is that the terrorist activities of any kind affect the human being first. In order to achieve their goals, terrorists are waging a right battle from their point of view and make use of new weapons and technologies. Such weapon is the biological weapon, an invisible weapon, which is highly effective and dangerous. Bioterrorists made these weapons without effort, in their rooms with minimal costs. The reality of today shows that the fear of biological weapons exceeds the one of nuclear war. Based on hese aspects, the article aims to draw attention to an undeniable fact: bioterrorism is a present and serious threat for security.
Keywords: terrorism; bioterrorism; biological weapons; prevention;combat; security.
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