technology; decizion; planning; artificial intelligence; smart ammunition.Abstract
Planning or forecasting, as a function of management, has a special role in the military field, in conjunction with the development of new technologies, because it offers the possibility of exposing possible courses of action and helps the military leader in decision making. Judicious planning, a correct presentation of resources and how to use them, setting goals and opportunities to achieve them are aspects that contribute to the completion of the decision-making process and involve the need for modern technologies applied. In the current context, the possibility offered by the modeling and simulation of military actions has also developed ways to obtain an effective decision, by using calculation systems and identifying different courses of action, knowing all the risk factors. All the changes suffered by the military equipment and technological systems have forced the emergence of new doctrines, restructurings and acquisitions absolutely essential to ensure the purpose of the military organization, national security and international alliances based on peacekeeping. Regarding the military system, the development of new technologies and the attribution of the decision-making process contribute to the emergence and use of ”smart ammunition”, which is mainly based on the efficient flow of information, systematized operation and resource management in a timely manner
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