motivational dominants; professional satisfaction; human resources; national security.Abstract
This research has studied the relation between motivation and job satisfaction in a national security organization. Two questionnaires for motivation and professional satisfaction were used as assessment tools. The research group consisted of 80 militaries, respectively 80 civilian subjects representing the control group. Several types of relations were studied, considered relevant for the study objectives, such as: the relation between work motivation and management satisfaction and interpersonal relationships within the team, with respect to work organization and functional communication; the relation between the motivation for accomplishment through work and the degree of salary satisfaction, rewards and career advancement opportunities; the relation between the levels of general satisfaction and the motivation for accomplishment through work; the relation between the higher levels of satisfaction with work organization and functional communication, respectively with management and interpersonal relationships of the military group, compared to the control group of civilian employees. The results of this research have some practical value, advancing the possibility that some conclusions can be assimilated in the human resources policies of national security institutions, in order to optimize staff motivation and maximize performance
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