
  • Andrei Th. CONSTANTIN "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Force Academy


The military engineer structures, both in NATO and in the Romanian Army, have played a historical and critical role in shaping the operational environment. Changes in the international security environment also have consequences for engineering structures. The military engineers will face an increasingly complex operational environment, in which hybrid threats are increasingly present. Counteracting them and solving the serious problems faced by the societies impacted by politico-military conflicts require narrowing the gap or even erasing the border between military and civilian actors. Military engineer structures will be essential in shaping the hybrid operational environment and in developing the civilian-military relationship.


Author Biography

Andrei Th. CONSTANTIN, "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Force Academy

Born on January 1, 1969, Cislău locality, Buzău county, Constantin ANDREI graduate of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, series of graduates 2002.

 Has the title of doctor in Military Sciences, attained in 2017 year, by "Carol I" National Defense University.

The academic training has been completed by graduating several master's degree courses / studies, training internships.

- 2009-"Carol I" National Defense University, Master in the field of "Military Sciences and Intelligence", specialization Security and National Defense;

- 2011-"Carol I" National Defense University, Master in the field of "Military Sciences and Intelligence", specialization in inter-weapon leadership Land Forces;

- 2015- Research internship at the Center for Crisis Management Research and Training (CRISMART) Sweden

- 2015 "Carol I" National Defense University, Postgraduate course of continuous improvement in Strategic Management (JOINT).

By military profession, he carried out his activity, as an active officer within the Ministry of National Defense.

He has a vast scientific activity working as an associate professor at the National Defense University "Carol I", where he taught the course "Masking and Disinformation" and at the Academy of Land Forces "Nicolae Balcescu", where he teaches the courses of Mine Dams ”And“ Military Roads ”being he author of the university course“ Masking and Disinformation in Military Actions ”, located in the Library of the National Defense University“ Carol I ”, AM 2339 and several articles and scientific communications, published by the National University of "Carol I" Defense:

  1. The Romanian Army in support of the local and central authorities for the management of the sanitary crisis generated by the pandemic COVID-19- Bulletin of the National Defense University "Carol I" no. 4/2020, Bucharest, sole author;
  2. Military operations, main stabilizing factor in the post-conflict period - Bulletin of the National Defense University "Carol I" no. 4/2014, sole author;
  3. The new operational concepts and their valences for counteracting the asymmetric security risks and threats, in the post-conflict operations - Bulletin of the National Defense University „Carol I” no.1 / 2015, sole author;
  4. Peculiarities regarding the development of the combat possibilities of the military structures (military capabilities) participating in multinational operations - Bulletin of the National Defense University „Carol I” no.1 / 2016, sole author;
  5. Aspects of interoperability achievement with NATO structures in engineer support leadership domain- Bulletin of the scientific communications session -International conference “Military science universe” April, 14-15, 2011 Bucharest Volume 3: Operative art and tactics-Land forces, 2011 (two authors);
  6. Reversing the relationship between violent and nonviolent military actions in operations specific to the post-conflict period - Scientific Communications Session TACTICS AND OPERATIONAL ART LAND FORCES, April 23, 2014, UNAp Publishing House, sole author;
  7. The complexity of the instruments of power based generated effects in the context of postconflict dynamics - Proceedings, International Conference Strategies XXI, Technologies, Military Applications, Simulations and Resources, Vol. 1, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, 13 - 14 November 2014, sole author;
  8. Concealment - an important factor in army operations success- Proceedings, International Conference Strategies XXI, Technologies, Military Applications, Simulations and Resources, Vol. 1, “Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, November 13 - 14, 2014, (two authors);
  9. Peculiarities regarding the increase of the fighting possibilities of the national genius structures participating in multinational operations - Scientific Communications Session TACTICS AND OPERATIONAL ART LAND FORCES, 23 April 2015, UNAp Publishing House, sole author.
  10. Implications of the concepts of mobility and countermobility on some principles of armed struggle - "Security and European defense in the context of economic and financial crisis", Scientific Communication Session with international participation Bucharest, section 4 Tactics and operational art - Land Forces, vol 2, 2010, Constantin Andrei, Cristian Teglaș;
  11. Aspects of interoperability achievement with NATO structures in engineer support leadership domain- International conference “Military science universe” April, 14-15, 2011 Bucharest Volume 3: Operative art and tactics-Land forces, 2011, Constantin Andrei, Cătălin Codreanu;



*** GAO-10-1036R, Războiul hibrid, Government Accountability Office, Washington DC, 2010.
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*** F.T.-9, Manualul sprijinului de geniu în operaţiile forţelor terestre, Bucharest, 2017.
*** Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication (JP) 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington DC, 2011.
*** Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication (JP) 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington DC, 2013.
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