The beginning of military justice in the Romanian Principalities regard the Organic Regulations’ era, where provisions concerning military discipline of the newly formed land-militia of both historical provinces were recorded. Subsequently, military justice continued to develop during the reign of Barbu Dimitrie Stirbei and prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s time, whose reign also concerns, among other military reforms, the unification of military criminal legislation, by adopting a single regulation in both historical provinces. The Military Justice Code was adopted in 1873, being subsequently modified and completed in the years of 1881, 1894, 1905, 1906, 1916 and 1917, in order to keep up with social, economic and legislative changes, but especially with the ever-changing battlefield reality, in the era of turmoil that hit Europe at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century.
*** Codul Calimah, critical edition, The Academy of The Popular Republic of Romania Publishing House, 1958.
*** Codul penal (1864), C. Hamangiu, Codul general al României, Leon Alcalay Publishing House, Bucharest, 1907.
*** Istoria militară a poporului român, Military Publishing House, Bucharest, 1988.
*** Istoria infanteriei române, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985.
*** Manual of Military Law, H.M. Stationery Office, Imperial House, Kingsway, London, 1914.
*** Monitorul Oastei (initially named, Codice de justiție militară) no. 13, from 12 may 1873.
*** Monitorul Oastei no. 21, from 22 june 1868.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 16, from 21 april 1913.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 40, from 24 may 1881.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 50, from 11 june 1882.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 57, from 10 march 1880.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 135, from 17 september 1916.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 218, from 6 january 1884.
*** Monitorul Oficial no. 290, from 25 december 1894.
*** Legea no. 1025, from 3 martie 1906, Monitorul Oficial no. 271, from 9 march 1906.
*** Legea no. 1256, from 14 mai 1881, Monitorul Oficial no. 40, from 24 may 1881.
*** Legea no. 1677, from 8 iunie 1882, Monitorul Oastei no. 19/1882.
Caragea Ioan Gheorghe, Domn al Ţării Româneşti, Legiuire a prea Înălţatului şi prea Pravoslavnicului Domn şi Oblăduitoriu a toată Ungrovlahia Io Ioan Gheorghie Caragea, Bucharest, 1818.
Chiru Vasile D, Principiile, economia și inovațiile noului Cod de Justiție Militară. Note sumare, Pandectele Militare Publishing House, Bucharest, 1937.
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Homoriceanu Nicolae, Codul Justiției Militare adnotat, Dim. C. Ionescu Printing, 1916.
Osăceanu Victor Gabriel, Români și francezi de-a lungul istoriei, Aius Printed, Craiova, 2011.
Popescu Dumitru C., Privire istorică asupra Justiţiei Militare din România, Military Publishing House, Bucharest, 1977.
Popovici Ioan, Organizarea armatei române, Leon Friedman Printing, Roman, 1903.
Săuleanu Lucian, Rădulețu Sebastian, Dicționar de termeni și expresii juridice latine, IInd Edition, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011.
Siserman Viorel, Justiţia Militară în România: tradiţie şi actualitate, Military Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004.
Zidaru Petrache, Tribunalele militare, un secol și jumătate de jurisprudență (1852-2000), Univers Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006.

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