Proceedings 2024 „Romania and the new dynamics of international security”,Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

Alba Iulia Catrinel Popescu is Associate Professor at the National College of Defense Bucharest and "Carol I" National Defense University, Visiting Professor at University of Business and Enterprise in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski - Poland and University of Bucharest, Romania. She is also member of the Romanian Committee of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Romanian Academy, member of the "Ion Conea" Romanian Association for Geopolitics and member of the international advisory board of the Research Institute for European and American Studies, Greece. She already published five books - “What hides behind Boko Haram” (a monographic study about one of the bloodiest terrorist organization), “The Shadow Player” (an extensive and integrate analysis about Sub-Saharan Africa’s pivot zone character), “Geopolitical Kaleidoscope” (a collection of analyses in geopolitics and geostrategy), "Uncomfortable Analysis" (a collection of studies in geopolitics), "Geopolitics and pandemics" (a study regarding the geopolitical impact of the current pandemics), the first two volumes of the "Treaty of Geopolitics" (The Geopolitics of the Maritime Power and The Geopolitics of the Continental Power), other studies in security and demography as well as numerous articles regarding strategic analysis and geopolitics.