About the Journal
Since its establishment, the National Defense College has carried out continuous training programs and after several transformations it now represents a unique structure, which offers through its postgraduate programs, the continuous professional training of the civilian and military personnel with decision-making positions in public agencies and in other institutions of security and defense, public order and national security, as well as in civil society.
The tradition, the prestige and the dynamism of the National Defense College have created, in its 28 years of activity, the foundation of some deep debates related to security, but also to the new geopolitical and geostrategic realities of today.
Within the scientific initiative STRATEGIES XXI, National Defence College organizes, in on-line format, the conference entitled „Romania and the new dynamics of international security”. The tradition and prestige of the „Carol I” National Defence University, doubled by the dynamics and professionalism of the National Defence College, provides the ideal setting for high-profile academic debates on current issues in specific fields such as national and international security, regional and global geopolitical, geoeconomical and geostrategic dynamics.
Dedicated to our objectives and status of excellence in the field of politico-military education in Romania, in 2021, as we did before, we will invite to the conference we organize, prominent personalities of academia, military and civil, national and international, mass-media representatives, graduates and students of the National Defence College, as follow:
a) Foreigners - researchers and professors from universities and institutes similar to National Defence College / "Carol I" National Defence University;
b) Romanians - military and civilian staff from: the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Romanian Intelligence Service, the Protection and Guard Service, the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as teachers and researchers from military education and research institutions as well as civilian representatives of non-governmental organizations.
Peer Review Process 
Editorial board members of “Carol I” National Defense College follow two stages in the process of reviewing articles to be published:
Stage no. 1:
Editorial board members check the article for compliance with the requirements specified in Guidelines for authors.
Stage no. 2:
Editorial board members transfer the article to the scientific reviewer who assesses the scientific value of the paper. The author’s identity remains unknown for the scientific advisors. The authors of the articles do not know the identity of the specialists and vice versa, so the peer-review process is performed completely in the blind. The reviewers complete the evaluation sheet for each summited article.
Based on the scientific reviewers’ recommendations, the editorial board members may take the following decisions:
The article will be published;
The article will be published after minor revisions;
The article will be published after major revisions;
The article will not be published.
In every case the author(s) will be informed about the decision.
The articles of the journal are under the similarity verification standard using: www.sistemeantiplagiat.ro
Publication Frequency
„Romania and the new dynamics of international security” conferince is published annually .
Open Access Policy
All article within STRATEGIES XXI „Romania and the new dynamics of international security” conference are available to all users immediately upon publications. Non-Commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited. Open access aims to maximize the visibility of research and differs from free access as it provides reuse rights provided full attribution is given ( CC BY-NC-SA license).
Copyright Transfer
The transfer of copyright from author to publisher enable "Carol I" National Defence University Publishing House to assure maximum dissemination of the author’s work and it is therefore the default option for each manuscript submission.
When the article is accepted for publication, the author(s) agrees to transfer to Carol I" National Defence University Publishing House all rights, including those pertaining to electronic forms and transmissions, under existing copyright laws, except for the following, which the author(s) specifically retain(s):
The right to make further copies of all or part of the published article for use in classroom teaching;
The right to reuse all or part of this material in a compilation or textbook of which he(she) is the author;
The right to make copies of the published work for internal distribution within the institution that employs the author
There is no article-processing charge (APC) for publishing in the journal.
The authors take full responsibility for the contents and scientific correctness of the paper.
From the Romanian Armed Defence Staff
Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu - Chief of Defence Staff
Lieutenant General Vasile Toader
Major General Gheorghița Vlad
From the “Carol I” National Defence University
Brigadier General Dorin Corneliu Pleșcan
General (ret.) Nicolae Spiroiu
Colonel professor Daniel Dumitru, Ph.D.
Colonel professor Valentin Dragomirescu, Ph.D.
Colonel professor Daniel Ghiba, Ph.D.
Colonel associate professor Marius Victor Roșca, Ph.D.
Colonel professor Doina Mureșan, Ph.D.
Colonel associate professor Alexandru Stoica, Ph.D.
Lieutenant-colonel associate professor Dragoș Bărbieru, Ph.D.
Colonel ( ret.) professor Ion Roceanu, Ph.D.
Associate professor Alba Iulia Catrinel Popescu, Ph.D.
Associate professor Alexandru Lucinescu, Ph.D.
Cololnel (ret.) Crăisor-Constantin Ioniță, Ph.D.
Captain Alexandru Cristian, Ph.D.
Cătălin Radu, Ph.D.
From the National Scientific Environment
Academician Bogdan Simionescu
Ambassador professor Dumitru Preda, Ph.D.
Lieutenant General (ret.) Dumitru Prunariu, Ph.D.
General (ret.) Marius Opran, Ph.D.
Professor Ilie Bădescu, Ph.D.
General (ret) professor Teodor Frunzeti, Ph.D.
Major General (ret.) Mihaiu Mărgărit
Brigadier General (ret.) Constatin Iacobiță
Professor Mircea Coșea, Ph.D.
Professor Radu Carp, Ph.D.
Colonel (ret.) professor Constantin Hlihor, Ph.D.
Professor Liviu Mureșan, Ph.D.
Professor Corina Adriana POP, Ph.D.
Colonel (ret.) Vasile Simileanu, Ph.D.
Professor Filip Petru, Ph.D.
Professor Corina Dumitrescu, Ph.D.
Lecturer Petrișor Peiu, Ph.D.
Strategies XXI – ACNDC
Bucharest, June 25, 2021
From the International Scientific Environment
Professor Vakhtang Maisaia, Ph.D. (Georgia)
Dr. Matthew Rhodes, Ph.D. (Germany)
Professor Viorel Roman, Ph.D. (Germany)
Professor Ioannis (John) M. Nomikos Ph.D. (Greece)
Professor Thalassinos Eleftherios Ph.D. (Greece)
Colonel Anatolie Bucuci (Republic of Moldova)
Associate Professor Igor Sofronescu Ph.D. (Republic of Moldova)
Maj. Associate Professor Marin Butuc, Ph.D. (Republic of Moldova)
General (ret.) Mieczyslaw Cieniuch Ph.D (Poland)
Bg. Gen. (ret.) Anatol Wojtan, Ph.D. (Poland)
Professor Pawel Gotowiecki, Ph.D. (Poland)
Associate Professor Przemyslaw Furgacz Ph.D. (Poland)
Professor Robert Evan Ellis Ph.D. (U.S.A.)
Dr. Scott Nichol Ph.D. (U.S.A.)