
  • Vakhtang MAISAIA



New Cold War; Black Sea; fifth war generation concept; geostrategic culture; Georgia; Ukraine.


Abstract: paper considers and reflects new dimensions of New Cold War geostrategic balance implications at pan-regional (European) and regional (Black Sea) levels. Currently adopted new challenges in the military doctrine of the Russian Federation envisages engagement into two military conflicts simultaneously and constructed its strategic operational framework founded on incorporation of three combat elements: military, non-military and information warfare measures and proper concepts. Hence, it means that Russia can begin war-game scenarios at the same time against two neighboring nations as it occurs at time being against Ukraine and Georgia. A transformation of war strategy and geostrategic culture (it is a new jargon affiliated with cardinal shifting of strategic operational planning in wargame scenarios at global and regional levels). Hence, the process of geostrategic culture transformation occurring currently whilst introducing Fifth War Generation concept replacing the previous one due to the high technical achievements and technological introduction into the neo-modernist war dynamics itself. Generally to say, a fifth generation warfare is an attempt to accomplish strategic objectives through the use of propaganda and information attack vectors. It's carried out by unknown actors for unknown reasons. Even if the core enemy is identified, the victim nation will not be able to understand the purpose or end goal. The goal of the paper is to realize how the geostrategic cultural transformation takes place at regional level and reflection on what type of influence high-level technologies effect on war process itself.



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