Nicolae Titulescu, Romania, Europe, Great Powers, Latin America, League of Nations, peace, European and International Security, alliances, The Little Entente, The Balkan Pact.Abstract
The author evokes Nicolae Titulescu’ personality, thought and actions in favor of strengthening the multilateral cooperation for peace and security during the interwar period.
To him – a profound democratic and visionary spirit with a solid legal, philosophical, and political background, and a considerable international experience – the long-lasting Peace
means nothing if not built on the only foundation suited to support it – Security. But in his view, security has always been closely linked to the manifestation of sovereignty of independent states and national identity. In conclusion, Titulescu’s political stance, his remarkable diplomatic work aiming at setting up a solid European and international security system able to deter the aggressor, bring peace and raise trust among nations, continue to be a stimulative example and an appeal still valid in its fundamental nature for the necessary and constructive steps to be taken in order to give meaning and continuity to our lives in the Third Millennium when we have to face so many crucial existential challenges.
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